Closing a sale is far more complicated than what people may lead you to believe. A house typically costs – minimum – more than ten thousand dollars, which means it’s not a purchase that people make without a lot of thought. Real estate agent tips, however, can go a long way in helping you close a sale with an interested, but still hesitant, buyer.
Real Estate Agent Tips from the Pros
Professional advice does make an impact on your ability to close a sale. Trying to sell your house without any experience often leads to poor decisions, and in most cases, barely breaking even on the costs. This is why I’ve taken the liberty of compiling a shortlist of the best real estate agent tips from the professionals themselves. Heeding their words of advice might be the game-changer that you need.
- No Damage: Well, the chances of your house having no damages after living there for at least a year is very unlikely. But that doesn’t mean that repairs are impossible. You can take the extra effort (and extra money) and have that creaky floorboard replaced, or replace the bathroom’s light fixtures. The little things count.
- Post About it: If you haven’t already, post about the house that you’re selling on all your social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, etc. You never know if one out of two hundred friends might actually be interested, and the odds are that Facebook friend has already seen your house from a game night months ago.
- Cleaning Service: This will cost money, but hiring a professional cleaning service to make your house completely spotless can go a long way in selling your home. Impressing interested buyers with a clean house might be the best way to close a sale.
- Stay Calm, and Close the Sale: You’re stressed. The buyer is stressed. Closing a sale can be very stressful, as it requires a lot of money and responsibility. However, acting stressed won’t do you any favors. So, my advice would be to stay calm, and just close the sale. Keep your mind open during negotiations, and be fair in your responses. If the buyer points out a structural defect – for example – and asks for a thousand dollars off the asking price, that might just be something you have to concede. For you, it’s a thousand dollars, but for the buyer, it’s a victory, and it’ll be the thing that spurns him to purchase the whole house.
There’s no singular way to sell a house. Everyone goes through different trials and tribulations, but there are certain things that will help people in any situation. These tips might not solve all your problems, but they’ll certainly take one thing off your plate. So, before moving forward, and putting your house on the market, consult this list of real estate agent tips from the best in the business. You might have a bit more work to do, but it will pay off in the long run when you sign off on the deed of sale.